At Shiloh, we believe that Christ is the head of the church, and we seek to follow the New Testament model of a plurality of elders leading within the local church body (Titus 1, 1 Timothy 5, James 5, Acts 14). We are blessed to have these Godly men lead Shiloh as we seek to build and make disciples according to Matthew 28.
Each elder has a team of people that assist them in their ministerial leadership roles at Shiloh. If you are interested in getting involved or learning more, please email us at
[email protected], or call the church office at 256-778-8627.
Dr. Charles Owens—Elder of Worship

Jim Burleson—Elder of Missions
Robin Campbell—Elder of Finance

Vick Brown—Elder of Building & Grounds

Greg Colee—Elder of Fellowship & Church Membership